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Thank you for six great years.  

Rethink Next wrapped up it non-profit work in the community in early July 2024.

We thank all of the organizations that worked with us on our various adventures in creativity and change from 2018 to 2024.

Best of luck in your own adventures in these changing times.

About Rethink Next

Rethink Next was a California non-profit corporation whose dream was to help us expand robust local creative communities . . . together.

2020 and 2021 were powerful opportunities, which we shared with the Amplify Music Virtual Conferences, podcasts, and its YouTube Channel.

For 2023, we worked with the Maremel Institute and its Rethink Next Lab on exploring futures in other regions and across generations.  We ended 2023 collaborating on Music Futures Barcelona and Navarra in Spain.  You can see details at

Rethink Next LLC will be caretaking the Amplify Music archives, as well as working on new programs for local leaders and creatives building new futures together.  Contact them at